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Santa’s Visit:  Santa will make his rounds on a fire truck and deliver one special gift per child directly to your home. Please note that due to Santa’s busy schedule, he can only visit 50 homes, and these visits will be exterior only. Santa and the firefighters will not enter your home.


Sign-Up Details:  The sign-up period will be 11/20 to 12/5.  Remember, it’s a first-come, first-served basis, so be sure to sign up early to secure your spot. The sign-up page will allow you to register multiple children if necessary.


​Gift Drop-Off:  Gifts must be dropped off at Mahwah Fire Co. 4, located at 50 Fardale Ave, on a Wednesday night between 7-9pm on or before December 4, 2024. Please ensure the gift is wrapped, labeled with the child’s first name and the initial of their last name, and fits into a standard shopping bag that we will provide. A suggested donation of $50.00 payable to “Mahwah Fire Co4.” per family, is much appreciated.


​Delivery Scheduling:  Once all 50 slots are filled, we will schedule deliveries for December 13th and December 14th, based on the area of Fardale where you live. You will receive an email with the date and time frame for Santa’s visit. The number of gifts delivered will correspond to the number of children registered for your stop.



Please note, this event is separate from our traditional neighborhood visits with Santa, which will continue as usual. Operation Red Hat is an additional way for us to bring extra Christmas cheer to our community.

As this is our first-year hosting Operation Red Hat, we appreciate your patience and understanding if there are any delays or changes in the schedule. Please be aware that our primary responsibility remains fire protection for the town. In the event of an emergency requiring our response, delivery times may be delayed or postponed. We will make every effort to notify everyone as soon as possible if such a situation arises.

We look forward to sharing this special experience with you and bringing holiday joy to our community!

©2024 by Mahwah Fire Co. 4.

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